Whether we are mindful of it or not, all of life is a journey. We are all going somewhere. Many of us have felt that we had no power in the outcome of that journey—then Christ came into our lives as Redeemer, as Savior and as our friend.
For those with same-sex attractions (SSA), the only option enforced by the world is, ‘you must take on the gay identity’. But, many others have come to a different conclusion. Followers of Jesus have concluded that the Divine’s design and intent for human sexuality and sexual relating is heterosexuality and that male and female a binary.
God has not been silent to the prayers of those individuals seeking options beyond affirming a gay identity. Many individuals with same-sex attraction have experienced the presence, power and ways of Jesus to bring resolve to their deep needs. With each year that passes, more understanding is being given to offer tangible help for those with the courage to take the journey towards God’s design and intent.
The “dark ages” of the past condemned persons with SSA to a life of shame and isolation. The present time is an era of “enlightenment” if you will. In pendulum fashion, society has abandoned the design and intent given to us by The Creator of the heterosexual covenant, to the embracing of nearly any form of consensual sexuality and gender identity.
Design & Intent is a counseling and discipleship ministry that offers support for those wanting to align themselves with the Divine’s design and intent for human relationships.
Thousands of people over the 34 years since Design & Intent’s inception have experienced transformation in their entire personhood that comes from a life lived unto Him. Their lives and their courage to walk in a way contrary to the culture are nothing short of courageous. Their lives are evidence of transformation through the love of Jesus.
We invite you to join with courageous others who have gone before you, to experience the life-changing power of the love of Christ. Journey with us as we seek to be His disciples.
Ask about our weekly discipleship group, United Pursuit for individuals with SSA